Thứ Năm, 24 tháng 10, 2013

ASUS Vivobook V500CA-EB71T 15.6-Inch Vouchers

 Treyes & Covert Family:
I bought this to replace a Toshiba laptop that we'd been using for a few years. I heard a lot of great things about Asus so I gave it a try. The preformance of this laptop is great but it's the design that I had problems with. The keypad is terrible. The keys are recessed so it makes it very uncomfortable to type. I constantly had to press keys more than once to get a response. I ended up returning and purchasing a HP with the same specs and the keyboard is great!

This is a very pretty machine. It has everything I needed for the perfect price. HOWEVER, The spacebar does not work 9 out of 10 times that you try to use it. If you are a person like me that has to type a lot, this is a MAJOR problem. The whole keyboard is kind of awkward, but at least the other keys actually worked. Sadly, I had to return it, because who wants a computer without a properly functioning spacebar. It's like a nightmare come true. WTF?!! I would say to take your chances and purchase this if you are the hunt and peck kind of person. Then you might be able to slam the spacebar with all your might perfectly in the middle to get it to work. This doesn't seem to just be a rare defect. I would have to think they are all functioning like this.

Anthony (Beach Park, IL, United States):
I bought this for a graduation present for my niece, and she absolutely loved it. Very powerful machine for the money.

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